Selection of academic Literature about the Herero and Nama genocide


Adhikari, M., 2008. “Streams of blood and streams of money”: new perspectives on the annihilation of the Herero and Nama peoples of Namibia, 1904-1908. Kronos 34, 303–320.
Anderson, R., 2005. Redressing colonial genocide under international law: the Hereros’ Cause of action against Germany. California Law Review 93, 1155–1189.
Berat, L., 1993. Genocide: The Namibian Case against Germany. Pace Int’l L. Rev. 5, 165.
Brehl, M., 1904. The Drama Was Played Out on the Dark Stage of the Sandveldt: The Extermination of the Herero and Nama in German (Popular) Literature. Genocide in German South-West Africa: The Colonial War of 1904–1908 and Its Aftermath 100–112.
Buys, G.L., Nambala, S.V., 2003. History of the church in Namibia, 1805-1990: an introduction. Gamsberg Macmillan.
Cooper, A.D., 2006. Reparations for the Herero Genocide: Defining the limits of international litigation. African Affairs 106, 113–126.
Dedering, T., 1993. The German-Herero war of 1904: revisionism of genocide or imaginary historiography? Journal of Southern African Studies 19, 80–88.
Drechsler, H., 1980. Let us die fighting: the struggle of the Herero and Nama against German imperialism (1884-1915). Lawrence Hill Books.
Eckl, A., 2008. The Herero genocide of 1904: Source-critical and methodological considerations. Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 3, 31–61.
Erichsen, C., Olusoga, D., 2010. The Kaiser’s Holocaust: Germany’s forgotten genocide and the colonial roots of Nazism. Faber & Faber.
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Fein, H., 1990. Genocide: A sociological perspective. Sage Publications London.
Förster, L., 2008. FromGeneral Field Marshal’ToMiss Genocide’ The Reworking of Traumatic Experiences among Herero-Speaking Namibians. Journal of Material Culture 13, 175–194.
Gewald, J.-B., 2004. Imperial Germany and the herero of Southern Africa: Genocide and the quest for recompense. Genocide, war crimes & the west: History and complicity 59–77.
Gewald, J.-B., 2003. The Herero genocide: German unity, settlers, soldiers, and ideas.
Gewald, J.B., 2000. Colonization, genocide and resurgence: The Herero of Namibia 1890-1933. Köppe, Köln.
Gordon, R.J., 2009. Hiding in Full View: The “Forgotten” Bushman Genocides of Namibia. Genocide Studies and Prevention 4, 29–57.
Häu\s sler, M., 2011. From destruction to extermination: Genocidal escalation in Germany’s war against the Herero, 1904. Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 10, 55–81.
Hull, I.V., 2008. The military campaign in German Southwest Africa, 1904-1907 and the genocide of the Herero and Nama. Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 4, 7–24.
Jamfa, L., 2008. Germany faces colonial history in Namibia: A very ambiguous “I am sorry.” The Age of Apology: Facing Up to the Past 202215.
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Kössler, R., Melber, H., 2004. The colonial genocide in Namibia: Consequences for a memory culture today from a German perspective. Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies 30.
Kundrus, B., 2005. From the Herero to the Holocaust? Some remarks on the current debate. Africa Spectrum 40, 299–308.
Kuper, L., 1983. Genocide: Its political use in the twentieth century. Yale University Press.
Kustaa, F.F.O., 2004. Germany’s genocide in Namibia: the case of the Herero and Nama People, 1904–1907. University of St. Thomas St, Paul, Minnesota USA 1–15.
Madley, B., 2005. From Africa to Auschwitz: How German South West Africa incubated ideas and methods adopted and developed by the Nazis in Eastern Europe. European History Quarterly 35, 429–464.
Madley, B., 2004. Patterns of frontier genocide 1803–1910: the Aboriginal Tasmanians, the Yuki of California, and the Herero of Namibia. Journal of Genocide Research 6, 167–192.
Mamdani, M., 2014. When victims become killers: Colonialism, nativism, and the genocide in Rwanda. Princeton University Press.
Melber, H., 2005a. How to come to terms with the past: Re-visiting the German colonial genocide in Namibia. Africa Spectrum 40, 139–148.
Melber, H., 2005b. Namibia’s past in the present: colonial genocide and liberation struggle in commemorative narratives. South African historical journal 54, 91–111.
Moses, A.D., 2004a. Genocide and Settler Society: Frontier Violence and Stolen Indigenous Children in Australian History. Berghahn Books.
Moses, A.D., 2004b. Genocide and settler society: Frontier violence and stolen indigenous children in Australian history. Berghahn Books.
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Palmer, A., 1998. Colonial and modern genocide: explanations and categories. Ethnic and Racial Studies 21, 89–115.
Roth, K., 2002. Annihilating Difference: The Anthropology of Genocide. University of California Press.
Sarkin, J., 2008. Colonial Genocide and Reparations Claims in the 21st Century: The Socio-Legal Context of Claims under International Law by the Herero against Germany for Genocide in Namibia, 1904-1908: The Socio-Legal Context of Claims under International Law by the Herero against Germany for Genocide in Namibia, 1904-1908. ABC-CLIO.
Sarkin, J., Fowler, C., 2008. Reparations for Historical Human Rights Violations: The International and Historical Dimensions of the Alien Torts Claims Act Genocide Case of the Herero of Namibia. Human Rights Review 9, 331–360.
Sarkin-Hughes, J., 2011. Germany’s genocide of the Herero: Kaiser Wilhelm II, his general, his settlers, his soldiers. Juta and Company Ltd.
Schaller, D.J., 2011. Genocide in Colonial South-West Africa. The German War against the Herero and Nama, 1904–1907. Genocide of Indigenous Peoples: A Critical Bibliographic Review 1, 37.
Schaller, D.J., Zimmerer, J. rgen, 2008. Settlers, imperialism, genocide: seeing the global without ignoring the local—introduction. Journal of Genocide research 10, 191–199.
Scherrer, C.P., 1999. Towards a theory of modern genocide. Comparative genocide research: definitions, criteria, typologies, cases, key elements, patterns and voids. Journal of Genocide Research 1, 13–23.
Stone, D., 2001. White men with low moral standards? German anthropology and the Herero genocide. Patterns of prejudice 35, 33–45.
Totten, S., Hitchcock, R.K., 2011. Genocide of Indigenous Peoples: A Critical Bibliographic Review. Transaction publishers.
Totten, S., Parsons, W.S., 2012. Centuries of Genocide: Essays and Eyewitness Accounts. Routledge.
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Zimmerer, J., 2008. Colonial genocide: The Herero and Nama War (1904–8) in German south west Africa and its significance, in: The Historiography of Genocide. Springer, pp. 323–343.
Zimmerer, J., 2007. Colonialism and the holocaust–Towards an archeology of genocide. Revisiting the heart of darkness–Explorations into genocide and other forms of mass violence 95.
Zimmerer, J., 2005. Annihilation in Africa: The “race war”in German Southwest Africa (1904–1908) and its significance for a global history of genocide. Bulletin of the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC 37, 5152.
Zimmerer, J., Zeller, J., Neather, E., 2008. Genocide in German South-West Africa: The Colonial War (1904-1908) in Namibia and Its Aftermath. Merlin Pr.